Contact Page: If visitors want to reach you, they should be able to reach you easily. This is where a contact page comes into play. Be sure to include your phone number, mailing address, work email address, and social media accounts. You can also add a live chat widget that gives visitors the option to get in touch and get an instant reply, or a contact form that lets them write their messages directly from your website 

Form: An effective way to build a lasting relationship with your customers is to solicit their feedback. Creating an online form for your website ensures that visitors have a safe place to share their thoughts about your product, service, website or customer support

Today's visitors want to engage with you on your website and on other websites. Including some of the following features when designing your website will keep your audience connected and informed. Reaching out to your followers through multiple channels is an effective way to build a relationship with them and, ultimately, attract more attention to your website

Showcase your business portfolio and best-selling products.

The “Best Sellers” section on the homepage gives you a chance to showcase the full spectrum of your products. Beneath that, a stylish magazine-style layout provides a lifestyle feel that can both embody your store’s brand and create an aspirational feel for your customers. The right product photography can really make this section shine 

Use the “About” page to share information about your business, how your products are made, and the benefits of using your products. Then, use the banner across the top of your website to highlight your fast shipping capabilities and/or promotions (as examples) 

Pro tip: High-quality product photos are a powerful marketing asset. Make the most of them by posting your photos on visual social media channels (such as Instagram) and then showcasing your feed directly on your homepage. Include links to your products within the post descriptions to make shopping easy, whether a customer finds you on social media or your online store 

Contact form with lead generation to increase customer engagement.

Contact page: When visitors want to reach out, they should be able to get hold of you easily. That’s where a contact page comes in. Make sure to include your phone number, postal address, business email address and social media accounts. You can also consider adding a live chat widget that gives visitors the chance to reach out and get an immediate response, or a contact form where they can write their message directly through your site 

Forms: One powerful way to build long-lasting relationships with your customers is to ask for their feedback. Creating an online form for your website makes sure that visitors have a safe place to share their thoughts about your products, services, website or customer support 

These days, visitors expect to engage with you on your site and beyond. Including some of the following features when you design a website will keep your audience connected and informed. Connecting with your followers across multiple channels is a powerful way to build relationships with them - and will ultimately bring more eyes to your site